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Parking permits for staff

Choose the right parking permit, find out how to apply, how to change your details and make a cancellation.

Apply for and update your parking permit online

The Security team uses parking permit software to allow staff to apply for, change and cancel permits online, rather than contacting the Parking Office.

You will need to log onto the system and register your details to receive a permit.

The system is not for motorcycles, which can be registered online here.


Every member of the University staff is eligible to apply for a parking permit.

If you are a full-time or part-time salaried member of staff, you can apply for a permit online.

The cost is deducted from your monthly salary.

If you are a casual member of staff, you can pay for your permit using the online store.

Casual summer staff can only apply for an Occasional User permit.

If you have any of the following permits:

  • Standard
  • Standard Electric Vehicle
  • Reserved
  • Exempt

You do not need to display the paper permit when parking on campus. If you hold any other type pf permit, this must be displayed in your vehicle when parking.

If you have an Occasional User permit, this must be displayed in your vehicle when parking.

Standard permit

If you are a member of staff who drives to campus on most days, a Standard permit is probably best for you.

A Standard permit is valid in all permit-holder car parks.

We no longer issue paper parking permits for staff standard permit holders. You can use the parking permit software to check if your permit is approved.

Occasional User permit

If you are not going to park on campus often, the Occasional User permit is probably best for you.

These are valid in all permit-holder car parks and allow you to park all day. The permit is issued free of charge but you must also make a £1.50 pay and park payment using JustPark to validate it.

Use the location code 187813 when paying using JustPark.

You can validate your permit using the JustPark app, phone line or SMS service. Payment for parking should be made within 10 minutes of parking at the University.

Car Share permit

If you apply for a Car Share permit, the main permit holder will pay for it. They can then collect the shared fee from the others in the group.

Each driver in the group will receive an Occasional User permit for rare occasions when more than one of you needs to park a vehicle on campus at the same time.

There are 12 car share parking spaces for this permit, six in the West Car Park and six in the East Car Park.

These spaces are reserved until 10.30am, Monday to Friday. After this, they become available for any permit holder.

Car Share permits aim to reduce car journeys to campus. It is not considered car sharing if you:

  • give a lift to a colleague who does not have a permit or a car
  • give lifts to members of staff who you live with

Check with your car insurer to make sure your policy covers car sharing.

Electric Vehicle permit

If you have an electric or a hybrid vehicle, then you can use the Electric Vehicle permit.

This allows you to park in one of the 14 bays reserved for electric vehicle charging.

Your vehicle must be connected to the charging point and be charging to use one of these bays.

Exempt permits for Blue Badge holders

If you have a Blue Badge you will need to get an Exempt permit.

This allows you to park in any of the disabled parking spaces free of charge.

Register your vehicle details and we will issue you with an Exempt permit. You must display this with your Blue Badge.

Registering allows us to contact you if there is a problem with your car or if we need you to move it in an emergency.

Reserved Space permit

If you are a salaried member of staff, you can apply for a Reserved Space permit.

This allows you to park in a designated, numbered space between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Off-campus permit

If you work off-campus, you can request a Campus+ permit.

You can request one on our parking permit system.

A Campus+ permit is valid for parking on campus as well as at the locations listed on the permit.

Courtesy and temporary vehicles

If you use a courtesy or temporary replacement vehicle, make sure you leave a note in your windscreen confirming you have a temporary vehicle. Include the vehicle registration on your permit.

Apply for your parking permit

Salaried staff can apply for all parking permits except Car Share permits online.


The price you pay for your permit depends on the spinal point of your salary and the hours you work.

See the full list of prices.

Changes and renewals

If you have bought a new vehicle, you will need to update your registration details.

You can do this for an existing permit by logging on to our parking permit system or by contacting Parking Services at security-car-parks@bath.ac.uk.

We will renew your parking permit automatically each year.


To cancel your parking permit and salary deductions, log onto our online parking permit system.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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